Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Red phenomenon

You can talk endlessly about red. First, it turns out that men and women perceive the red color completely differently. It’s not by chance that for many years people have been walking around with a joke that a man doesn’t recognize either “the color of a frightened nymph” or “the color of a sea wave”. This is not at all due to the hardness and inattention of the stronger sex, but because the range of shades perceived by the male brain is much smaller than the female one. It directly depends on DNA. The fact is that a particular gene responsible for the interpretation of the red color is on the X chromosome, and, as is known, in women, unlike men, the X chromosome is one more. This state of affairs allows a woman to capture absolutely all shades of red.

There is one more interesting fact: it turns out that the red signal of the traffic light is not accidental at all. There is such a thing as Rayleigh dispersion. Our eye sees diffuse waves - from red (long wavelength) to violet or blue (short wavelength). In this case, short waves when passing through atmospheric air are scattered more strongly than long ones. This pattern is especially important in bad weather - in the fog or in the rain. Red color is perceived by a person faster and clearer due to its physical parameters and due to the length of the light wave. Simply put, red from a distance can be seen much better than, say, blue or purple.
By the way, according to statistics, red cars are more likely to get into accidents. Red color excites and actively influences the nervous system, respectively, and the driving style becomes much more aggressive. The main danger for the owners of red cars are cars of the same color: due to the unusual imposition of speed and color, the illusion is created that the other driver is going to cut you. The higher the speed, the stronger the optical illusion.
Studies show that blue is the most favorite color in the world. It is preferred by 40% of the world's population. This choice is hardly accidental. Blue is not annoying, from the contemplation of indigo color, according to experts, the nervous system comes in full order. Once in the Japanese city of Nara, scientists, united with the police, conducted an exciting experiment: in the most criminal quarters of the city, the yellow lights were replaced by blue lights, and the same was done at the railway station, where suicide was often committed. Surprisingly, the crime rate in record time in disadvantaged areas decreased by 9%, and not a single suicide occurred at the railway station over two years.

In addition to peace of mind, which causes the blue color, it also activates the brain. And scientists from the University of Canada have found that blue color contributes to creative thinking.

All the more surprising that in ancient Rome, according to historians, the blue color was disliked because the barbarians with whom the Romans permanently fought, as a rule, painted the bodies blue, to frighten them.

The record for the longest lack of sleep is 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes. The champion talked about hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision, problems with speech, concentration and memory.

2. It is impossible to accurately determine whether a person is awake or not without careful medical supervision. People can sleep with their eyes open.

3. If you only need five minutes to fall asleep, it means that you clearly do not have enough sleep. The ideal gap is between 10 and 15 minutes. This means that you are tired enough, but during the day you felt awake.

not enough sleep

4. Newborn - the reason for the lack of sleep of his parents. In the first year of his life, his parents lose 400-750 hours of sleep.

lose 400-750 hours of sleep

5. “Continuous brain recording,” which led to the discovery of the fast REM sleep phase (the sleep phase characterized by increased brain activity) was made only in 1953, partly because scientists were concerned about the high consumption of paper. The fast sleep phase begins about an hour and a half after falling asleep. For a time, it was believed that dreams only occur during the REM phase. In fact, it is not. Dreams in the REM phase are too emotional and very strange, unnatural. But in the phase of slow sleep, repeated dreams usually occur, thanks to which you can remember, for example, where you left your mobile phone.

6. Certain types of eye movement in the REM phase correspond to the body movements that you perform in a dream. Watching a dream is a bit like watching a movie.

7. Elephants, when they are standing, can sleep in the phase of slow sleep, and when they lie - in the REM phase.

8. REM-sleep phase helps develop mental abilities. In premature babies, 75 percent of sleep is the REM phase, which is 10 percent more than normal babies. In a newborn baby dog ​​or cat, sleep consists only of the REM phase.

9. British Department of Defense researchers have developed a way for soldiers to be awake for 36 hours. Tiny optical fibers inserted into special glasses projected a ring of bright white light (with a spectrum identical to the sunrise) around the edge of the retina of the soldiers' eyes, misleading their brains.

10. Seventeen hours of continuous wakefulness leads to a deterioration in work, as the effect of a 0.05 percent blood alcohol level.